LEGISLATION – November 2016

Daniel Amarale-legalLeave a Comment


Decree-Law nº 66/2016 of 3th November: Establishes an optional scheme of fixed tangible asset’s reassessment and investment properties authorized by the article 141 of the Law n. 7-A/2016 of 30th March.


Decree-Law nº 67/2016 of 3th November: Approves the special programme of State’s debt reduction.


Decree-Law nº 73/2016 of 8th November: Proceeds the 6th amend of the Regulation of Justice Officers, approved by the Decree-law n. 343/99 of 26th September.


Regional Legislative Decree nº 24/2016/A of 11th November: Approves the legal framework of technical responsibility to direct and guide physical and sports activities developed by fitness entities, specifically gyms, academies or health clubs in Azores.


Decree nº 293-A/2016 of 18th November: Establishes the conditions and procedures to the application of the article 10 nº2 of the special legal framework applicable to deferred tax assets.


Ordinance nº 35/2016 of 21th November: Proceeds to the 6th amend of the Decree-Law n. 251/98 of 11th August that regulates the access to the activity and market of taxi transports, reinforcing dissuasive measures of the illegal activity in this area.


Ordinance nº 36/2016 of 21th November: VAT exemption to donations of movable assets to museums of the Portuguese Net of Museums.


Decree-Law nº 80/2016 of 28th November: Amends the driver’s individual record.


Decree-Law nº 81/2016 of 28th November: Creates the National Unity to combat Cybercrime and Technological Criminality.


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