Tiago Rodriguese-legal


Decree-Law No. 91/2018 of November 12: Approves the new Legal Regime for Payment Services and Electronic Money, transposing the Directive (EU) 2015/2366.

Decree-Law No. 92/2018 of November 13: It establishes a special regime for the determination of the taxable amount based on the tonnage of ships and craft, a tax and contributory regime applicable to crew members and a simplified register of ships and crafts.

Decree-Law No. 93/2018 of November 13: Establishes the legal regime of of recreational boating activity.

Decree-Law No. 94/2018 of November 14: Creates the Council of Financial Guarantees for Exports and Investment.

Ordinance No. 300-A / 2018 of November 22: Establishes the creation of two guaranteed credit lines to support the treasury needs of agricultural cooperatives and producer organizations, as a result of output losses affected of their associates hit by the storm Leslie.

Decree-Law No. 105/2018 of November 29: concretizes the transfer of competencies to municipal bodies in the field of housing, under Article 17 of Law no. 50/2018 of 16 August.

Law No. 65/2018 of November 30: Authorizes the Government to approve a new Industrial Property Code, transposing Directives (EU) 2015/2436 and (EU) 2016/943 and amending the Law No. 62 / 2011 of 12 December establishing a regime of the composition of industrial property rights litigations in the case of reference medicines and generic medicines, and the Law No. 62/2013 of 26 August, Law on the Organization of the Judiciary System.


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