Daniel Amarale-legalLeave a Comment


Ordinance no. 90-A/20017, of March 1: Establishes the templates of declarations which enable the exercise of the options envisaged in articles 135-D, nos. 1 and 2, and 135-E, no. 1 of Municipal Tax over Real Estate Code, as well as the instructions on how to fill it.

Law no. 5/2017 of March 2:  Establishes the framework of the parental responsibilities by agreement at the Civil Registry Office, amending the Civil Code approved by the Decree-Law no. 47344 of November 25, 1966 and the Civil Registry Code approved by the Decree-Law no. 131/95 of June 6.

Decree-Law no. 25/2017 of March 3: Establishes the execution rules for 2017 State Budget.

Ordinance no. 100/2017 of March 7: Establishes the Program of Celebration or Broadening of Cooperation Agreements for the Development of Social Responses.

Ordinance no. 107-A/2017 of March 14: Establishes the value of the “tax of food security plus” on 2017.

Ordinance no. 122/2017 of March 24: Establishes the application of the special procedure of transmission, encumbrance, and immediate registration at a single assistance desk, in person, to the sale and purchase with finance lease or division of the common asset.

Law no. 10-A/2017 of March 29: Establishes the reduction on the Special on Account Payment envisaged in article 106º of the Corporate Income Tax Code and enabled its replacement to a more appropriate regime of taxable income calculation.


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