IV.1. Doctrine
IV.1.1. Monographs and Periodic Publications
Jorge Morais Carvalho, Joana Campos Carvalho e João Pedro Pinto-Ferreira, Manual de Resolução alternativa de litígios de consumo, Almedina 2017;
Miguel da Câmara Machado, Regimes da Prevenção de Branqueamento de Capitais e Compliance Bancário, AAFDL, 2017;
IV.1.2. Generic Guidelines & Cia
Circular Letter n.º 30195/2017 of November 27 of Tax Management Area – VAT
Subject: VAT – List of gold coins.
Circular Letter n.º 15628/2017 of November 23 of Direction of Customs Regulation Services, Division of Circulation of Goods
Subject: The online provision of the original version of the regulation on technical provisions for developing, maintaining and using electronic systems for the exchange of information and for the storage of such information under the Union Customs Code (AE-IT-CAU)
IV.2. Miscellaneous
IV.2.1. Economy, Finance and Taxation
The National Budget for 2018 was approved in Parliament in the beginning of the month, being described by the Government as balanced and socially fair.
On the various measures approved, stands out the forecast for a sustained reduction of the Portuguese public debt, reducing the owed interest by an amount of € 1B, allowing for an increase in the public investment from 1.7% to 2.3% of the GDP.
In addition, concerning finance, a further reduction of the public debt has been achieved.
The budget deficit of the Public Administration was of 1.838 billion euros, which represents an improvement of over 2.664 billion euros compared to 2016, to which a growth of 4.2% in revenue and the stabilization expenditure were major factors.
The revenue with the Personal Income Tax increase by 4%, and the Social Welfare contributions an increase of 6.6%, which represents a positive outlook of the job market.
The Portuguese National Institute of Statistic (INE) revised to 8.5% the unemployment rate for the month of September.
The referred values represent a growth of 0.3% in comparison with the previous month, and a growth of 0.6% in 3 months.
For the month of October the unemployment rate for the adults was of 7.1%, whereas the youth unemployment rate reached 25.6%.
On the 30th November 2017, the Portuguese Government submitted the candidacy of the its Finance Minister, Mário Centeno, to the presidency of the Eurogroup – the informal entity composed of the finance ministers of the eurozone. The election will take place in the next Eurogroup meeting, scheduled to December 4th.
In the beginning of this month entered into force amendments to the Common Regulations under the Madrid Agreement and Protocol, namely amendments to: i) the voluntary description of a mark; ii) the appointment or cancellation of a representative; iii) and the cancellation of subsequent designation of the United States caused by irregularities with the submitted Form.
Argentina, through its National Institute of Industrial Property of Argentina (INPI); Switzerland, through the Swiss Federal Institute of Intellectual Property (IPI); and the Republic of Moldova, by means the State Agency on Intellectual Property of the Republic of Moldova (AGEPI) have made their design data available to the Designview search tool, as of 20th November 2017. Designview now contains data from 61 participating offices, providing information and access to more than 12,7 million designs.
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