BRIEF – JULY 2017 –

Daniel Amarale-legalLeave a Comment


IV.1. Doctrine

IV.1.1. Monographs and Periodic Publications

Ana Paula Dourado, Governação Fiscal Global, Almedina, 2017;

Regina Santos Pereira e Filomena Lança, 120 PERGUNTAS E RESPOSTAS DA NOVA LEI DAS RENDAS, Almedina 2017;

Maria de Deus Botelho, Capitalização de Empresas, Almedina 2017;

Adelaide Menezes Leitão, Direito da Insolvência, AAFDL 2017;


IV.1.2. Generic Guidelines & Cia

Circular Letter nº 15595 of July 6th of the Service’s Direction of Costums Regulation

Subject: Import – Clearance of Postal Consignments – New Proceedings

Mandatory Information nº 838/2017 of July 6th of General Sub-Director of Income Tax

Subject: Capital Assimilation affect to the Branch Office for Share Capital

Circular Letter nº 15594/2017 of July 3th of the Service’s Direction of Costums Regulation

Subject: Provision on internet of the updated and consolidated version of the Regulation AE-UCC and its attachments


IV.2. Miscellaneous

IV.2.1. Economy, Finance and Taxation

Approval of 2 Ministerial Ordinances ― no. 215/2017; and no. 221/2017 ― that establish a new VAT scheme for the importation of goods and services from non-EU countries, in which a company may opt to pay the due tax jointly with the remainder of taxes due from other operations.

The Council of Ministers approved a package of extraordinary measures to counteract the damages caused by the forest fires that occurred starting from June 17th, in the municipalities of Pedrógão Grande, Castanheira de Pera, Figueiró dos Vinhos, Góis, Pampilhosa da Serra, Penela e Sertã.



The Administrative Council of the European Patent Office approved an amendment to execution rules no. 27 and 28, of the European Patent Convention.
EUIPO publishes an European study on the protection of innovation through the legal framework of the commercial secrets and patents.


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