IV.1.1. Monographs and Periodic Publications
Jorge Reis Novais, “Direitos Fundamentais e Justiça Constitucional”, AAFDL, 2017;
Rui Paulo Coutinho de Mascarenhas Ataíde, “Estudos de Registo Predial. Noções Fundamentais – Efeitos Substantivos do Registo Predial”, AAFDL, 2017.
IV.1.2. Generic Guidelines & Cia
Circular Letter n.º 30191 of June 8, of Direction of Tax Management Area – VAT
Subject: VAT – The place of supply of services connected with immovable property.
Circular Letter n.º 35077 of June 12, of Directorate of Excise Duties and Vehicle Tax Services, Vehicle Tax Division
Subject: Decree-Law nº 53/2017 of May 31, 2017 – Dematerialisation of Customs Declaration of Vehicle.
IV.2. Miscellaneous
IV.2.1. Economy, Finance and Taxation
The Council of Ministers approved a Decree-Law, which simplifies the procedures of restitution of the Value Added Tax to the firemen associations, Armed Forces, security forces and services, Santa Casa da Misericórdia of Lisbon and Private Institutions of Social Security.
It was approved the implementing decree which designates the national authorities responsible for the supervision of the indexes used as indexes of reference in the framework of instruments and financial contracts or to measure the performance of the investments funds.
It was approved the Decree-law which ensures the best compatibility and articulation between the law that bans the issuance of bearer securities and the specific legislation applicable to the public debt.
It was approved the decree-law which amends the statutes of the Financial Institution of Development, broadening the scope of the institution activity, according with the decision of the European Commission.
International IP Enforcement Summit 2017
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