LEGISLATION – January 2017

Daniel Amarale-legalLeave a Comment


 Ordinance no.  4/2017 of January 3: Proceeds to update the Social Support Index value.


Law no. 1/2017 of January 16: Proceeds to the 1st amendment of the Law no. 71/2013 of September 2 regarding the value added tax arrangements applicable to activities of non-conventional therapeutic.


Law no. 3/2017 of January 16: Establishes a transitory legal framework of option for the joint taxation, regarding the income tax in 2015 declarations delivered after the legal deadline.


Law no. 4/2017 of January 16: Proceeds to the 6th amendment to Law n.º 19/2003 of June 20 which regulates the financing of political parties, converts into definitive the reduction of public grants for the financial of political parties and for the election campaign, and repeals the Law n.º 62/2014, of august 26.


Decree-Law no. 11-A/2017 of January 17: Establishes an exceptional measure of employment support through the reduction of the social contribution paid by the employer.


Ordinance no. 31/2017 of January 18: Approves the instructions that fulfill the Monthly Declaration of Remuneration, intended to comply with the declarative obligation referred in article 119.º, n.º 1, c)(i) and d) of the Personal Income Tax Code, attached to the ordinance.


Ordinance no.  32/2017 of January 18: Proceeds to the regulation of the legal framework of production, storage and circulation of non-alcoholic beverages.


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