The Telecommunications, Media & Technology industry (TMT) offers our Clients unique challenges, due to the growing convergence, the heavy regulation and an intense competition.
The technological evolution and convergence and the media platforms are boosting essential changes in the users’ behaviour and expectations. This reality creates interesting opportunities for the companies which use or supply technology and communications. The challenge to find better ways to involve and maintain Clients’ loyalty is set with users’ experience getting more and more interesting.
Developments such as Cloud Computing, internet mobile devices and the generalised use of social networks present huge opportunities but also bear significant legal risks to the companies. Data security, privacy, capital access, IP protection and provision of computing platforms to third parties for applications are just a few of the situations that technologies and companies face nowadays. MGRA’s TMT team will aid you in take as much advantage of these developments as possible, minimizing the associated risks, whether our Client is a start-up or an international business, a company or an investor, or simply someone using technologies and looking for privacy protection.
Our experience allows MGRA to provide counsel and contribute to the development and growth of your business model, whether in assigning technology contracts, Client acquiring methods, IP protection, brand management, confidentiality, data protection, telecommunications, competition, or others.
Although these tendencies create new platforms and distribution channels (of content and services) the core issue for media and or entertainment companies, among all other technologies, is how to capitalize and protect these contents and services successfully.
With the continuous development and challenge presented by the Media and Entertainment Industry (the development of digital platforms, communications and internet) Clients from the entire spectrum of this industry find support and a full legal setting and multidisciplinary counsel whether from our TMT team of lawyers whether in the division devoted to Intellectual Property, also focused on IT and data protection.
At MGRA we have a vast experience and extensive resources in various jurisdictions in the TMT industry. MGRA, beyond the national and European market, has been concentrating on emerging markets, especially in Portuguese speaking countries; thus providing us the ability to supply a truly global perspective and service.
Get in touch with us or directly contact your TMT MGRA Lawyer.