Welcome to MGRA’s French Desk.
Anticipating and keeping up with the French speaking Clients’ growing legal services and consulting demand, in harmony with MGRA’s internationalization, an internal, long term strategic commitment was early on taken up, developed and implemented in the last few years: creating a French Desk to advise with dedication our French speaking Clients and at the same time counselling our national Clients with businesses in this market.
This team is exclusively dedicated to the French speaking world, its relation with Portugal and with the reality of Portuguese speaking countries. The team is led by experienced lawyers with a recognized specialization and a vast experience in the specificities of the French speaking world, communicating perfectly in French.
From the beginning, MGRA has dispatched professionals, from all practice areas, to study and follow up the French speaking legal and economical reality (Clients from France, Switzerland, Belgium, Luxemburg, Canada, Morocco, Algeria, etc…). MGRA’s teams are proactive and focused on the needs and expectations of its Clients, in order to supply added value through personalised counsel.
MGRA’s headquarters is in Portugal. Its offices are located in Lisbon, the Azores, Algarve and in Viseu. MGRA is present in the official Portuguese speaking countries where it has established exclusive partnerships and guarantees a global support in these markets. MGRA also provides legal counsel in over 100 jurisdictions in all continents, through the exclusive membership in the main international Law Firms’ organizations and associations.
MGRA obeys the international quality standards and is recommended by the most prestigious international publications in the industries it works in; namely, Chambers & Partners and Legal500. Since its opening, MGRA has received hundreds of international prizes and nominations for the quality of its services.
MGRA is privileged to represent Clients from all legal areas in the most important industries of the economy, including: public institutions, concessionaires, multinational companies, financial societies, groups, companies, families and individuals.
Based on consolidated experience, technical autonomy and profound knowledge of these specific realities, MGRA is proud of its French Desk. We have undertaken this designation only after reaffirming; our internal and external knowledge, our ability to supply a complete service practice to fit our French speaking Clients’ needs (whether they are in Portugal or in Portuguese speaking countries). It is also essential to do the opposite; that is to provide complete support to investors and Portuguese (or from Portuguese speaking countries) interests in the French speaking markets.
Contact your MGRA French Desk, we are at your service.
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